Bite Size Goat Cheese and Walnut Cheesecakes


June 9, 2016

  • Prep: 1 hrs
  • Cook: 30 mins
  • Yields: 18 Mini Cheesecakes


1Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2Butter 18 mini muffin tins.


1Combine the bread crumbs, ground walnuts, butter and salt and pepper. Stir until completely combined. Spoon a heaping teaspoon of the mixture into each mold and press down into the bottom of the molds.


1With an electric mixer beat the cream cheese until fluffy.

2Add the goat cheese and beat until creamy.

3Add the egg and beat until well combined.

4Add the chives and salt and pepper.

5Divide the mixture between the molds and smooth the tops.

6Set a walnut piece on top of half of the cheese cakes and top the remaining with finely diced red pepper.

7Bake until puffed, about 15 minutes.

8Let the cheesecakes cool on a rack for 5 minutes, then unmold.


1/2 cup fresh bread crumbs

1/2 cup walnuts, finely ground

9 pieces walnuts

1 tablespoon butter, melted

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

4 ounces cream cheese, softened

5 ounces soft goat cheese

1 egg, beaten

1 tablespoon fresh chives

1 teaspoon red bell pepper, finely diced


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